Ntuity - Human Resources


Every employee has stricly controlled accessto their HR information including some payroll information, standard documents...



Employee Leave Entitlements

Ntuity's management software HR module also prompts employees to apply and have approved their leave...



Alerts & Notifcations

A feature of the HR module is the management of employee communications, agency employees, HR staff, team members...

HR Database

Comprehensive HR metrics are maintained for every current and past employee in one central data library...



                                                                                 HR Integration
Ntuity agency management software uniquely integrates comprehensive HR functions with your agency's mainstream functions.
Providing consistent, single entry management of staff time, leave records, expense claims and work anniversaries, and all communications related to effective human resource management.
Ntuity's project management software helps look after your agency's greatest asset, its people. Ntuity software has been developed to integrate HR into the overall agency management process.

Manage employee on-boarding and life cycle with approvals, contact information, medical records, banking details, company assets, training schedules, anniversaries, employment history and leave management; all documentation both private and publc as well as a sophisticated biography with skills based data on your current and past employees.

                  Measure | Control | Change

                                                                                             We can Measure it. Take Control. Make the Change

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